Reinstatement of the Bus service through Wentworth. Rotherham – Barnsley

Great news.

Just to let everyone know that after several conversations, emails and meetings with local residents, Cllr David Roach – RMBC, including our local MP Mr John Healey, and the Mayor of South Yorkshire – Mr Oliver Coppard, that we have now secured the reinstatement of the bus service through Wentworth.

Therefore, I trust you all will all be pleased to note that the Mayor has now confirmed there will be a new number 7 bus service running between Barnsley and Rotherham, which will provide an hourly day time service in Wentworth, Monday to Saturday.

The Mayor has also shared a copy of the proposed timetable for this service which I have also shared for your reference.

I am also advised this new service should come into operation from the 23rd July 2023.

The evening and Sunday service for Wentworth will still be provided by the 136 bus.

Stagecoach will operate the 136 until 2nd September 2023, in which the Mayor will be having ongoing discussions with council leaders on the next steps, concerning this and other services.

It has taken a lot of hard work and time spent to get to this stage, but now, with the bus service back up and running, it should benefit the whole of the community, including the local employer’s workforce.

The Parish Council, will be undertaking a letter drop to all, with the new timetable within the next couple of weeks.

The community must be aware that they MUST use the service otherwise, the service may be withdrawn again at a later date, if this happens, I personally think that we would not get the service back.

I would also like to thank all that have been involved into helping the Parish Council in securing the reinstatement of the so much needed bus service.

Below is the timetable of the new bus service which will commence and the end of July 2023. The service will run from Rotherham to Barnsley return.

I hope this is a welcome and positive update.


Councillor McNamara, Chair of Wentworth Parish Council, has also welcomed this news and said: 

“As Wentworth Parish Council, we wrote to the Mayoral Authority earlier this year to highlight the problem we currently have with the lack of daytime service in Wentworth and the difficulty residents who rely on the buses were having in getting out and about, including local business’s and their employees.

“It was great to have the support of and to work alongside our MP in raising this problem and we’re so pleased to get the restoration of a proper bus route running through the day in the village.”

Wentworth Bus June 2023.jpeg

Brendan J McNamara


Chair of Wentworth Parish Council

Since distributing, there are some of the specific timings during the day, but not all, are slightly different to the initial timetable Mayor Coppard had shared to me when he gave me his confirmation of this service.Therefore, i have uploaded the revised bus. timetable.

Revised Bus Timetable

Street Lights out

The Street lights are currently not working at the following locations:

  • Street Lane
  • Bottom of Main Street Wentworth
  • Barrowfields

The PC have contacted both RMBC and Northern Power regarding the issue, apparently Northern Power have damaged an underground cable while undertaking the recent outage. The responsibility is down to Northern Power.

RMBC have contacted the PC today 06/06/2023, on the update, the street lights will be repaired within the next two weeks.

Thank you


Latest Incidents

The Parish Council are aware of the number of incidents in the locality, therefore, we have asked South Yorkshire police to undertake additional patrols. Officers have been carrying out adhoc patrols within and around Harley and Wentworth.

The police will continue to carry out these patrols, and if any members of the public see anything they deem to be suspicious then please tell them to call 999 if its immediate assistance they need, 101 or report online through SYP portal if its information or advice