Community Defibrillators

There are now three Defibrillators located within the Parish, all three are now positioned within the Red Phone boxes, one being located on Main Street at Wentworth, one located at ‘Street’ and one on the ‘Village Green’ at Harley. All three Defibrillators are checked at regular intervals by voluntary ‘Guardians’.

The checks/inspections are then recorded onto an online system with the NHS which is called ‘The Circuit’. The Defibrillators have been supplied by a charity called ‘Start a Heart’, with funding from the Ward Members of  RMBC, Hoober ward.

Any member of the public can operate a Defibrillator as there is no training required. All instructions are verbally given automatically by the defibrillator when activated.

If you need to use the defibrillator, please dial 999 and the operator will give you the access code to your nearest appliance.

What is The Circuit?

The moment someone has a cardiac arrest, the clock starts ticking. Every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces their chances of survival. But many defibrillators are never used because emergency services don’t know where they are or how to access them.

This is where The Circuit comes in.

The Circuit – the national defibrillator network, connects defibrillators to NHS ambulance services across the UK so that in those crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives.