Parish Council Achievements

  • April 2022- April 2023 
  • 8 New benches in Harley and Wentworth. 5 additional new ones ordered locations to be finalised. (Monies from the Wentworth Charity) 
  • Drawn up a Schedule of locations and condition of the benches.
  • Complied an approved contractors list that work for the Parish council.
  • Arranged for the Community skips 25th March.
  • Ground maintenance contract been set up for 2023 – 24.
  • Councillors are inspecting the defibrillators in Harley and at Street.
  • Playground equipment is being inspected at Harley by Councillors’ new replacement equipment purchased and installed.
  • Held several meeting with the Parish Council insurers and, loss adjusters and structural engineers in regards to Wentworth Pavilion due to water leak and the damaged caused.
  • Wrote to the Mayor, John Heeley, CEO of SYPTE.
  • Held a meeting for all stakeholders and businesses including WVCA – WRA 15 invites went out 4 attended.
  • Dealing with the MP & Mayors is regards to the lack of the bus service in  Wentworth.
  • Organised and ran Warm space meals.(Monies from the Wentworth Charity) 
  • Arranged with RMBC Environmental Dept for air sampling on Main Street Wentworth.(Lamppost number 11 is where the sampling device is installed) 
  • Dealing with the traffic issues in the village which is still ongoing.
  • Several planning applications discussed and approved in the parish.
  • Compiled the Parish Councils Grit bin Locations Plan and re stocked.
  • Coronation flags have been ordered.
  • Beacon will not be lit due to the government’s advice, as it is less than a year since the Queen passed.
  • We as the Parish Council have not increased the Precepts this year due to the current financial strains on families.
  • Set up an Approved list of Contractors.

April 2023 

  • Removed all debris from the recent incident with one of the bench’s outside the Mechanics Hall. Wentworth.
  • Bench is to be replaced with a new bench following the accident at Friers Croft.
  • Bus shelter at Harley resident reported graffiti we arranged for repainting and a CCTV sign erected.
  • Harley play ground equipment parts replaced that have rotted plus repaired a ceased bearing on the pyramid play equipment.
  • Harley- Displayed car park closing times.
  •  Several Discussions with the loss adjuster and insures regarding the pavilion at Wentworth.
  • Meeting with Wentworth Woodhouse and the estates to discuss the new car parking facilities proposed by WW. And the Estates.
  • Attended Wentworth Church to welcome for the licensing and installation of the new vicar.

May 2023

  • Light the church up and Harley Mission Rooms (Red/White/Blue) for the Coronation.
  • Meeting with contractors for the estimates for the pavilion at Wentworth
  • Applied to RMBC for Lee Brook Lane resurfacing
  • Applied to RMBC for Lea Brook Lane traffic calming notices and signs “Slow” road markings traffic restrictions.
  • Head several discussions with SYPT , Mayor and John Heeley MP Reinstatement of the number 7 bus service from Barnsley to Rotherham.

June 2023

  • RMBC have started to monitor air quality at a various locations in Wentworth but we haven’t obtained any data yet. We will be receiving the results monthly. The sampling tubes are sent to a laboratory for analysis and we generally receive results about 4 weeks after the end of a sampling period. It is generally a good idea to look at a minimum of 3 months data before making any assessment.
  • Attended Wentworth Church to welcome for the licensing and installation of the new vicar.
  • Reinstatement of the bus service through Wentworth Barnsley – Rotherham return.(Please refer to Reinstatement and bus of the Bus service and bu timetable under the heading of Latest News & Updates) 
  • Contacted RMBC & Powergen regarding the street lights not working on Main
  • Street, Barrowfields & Street Lane following the recent power cuts to the areas and recent repairs by Powergen.
  • RMBC have contacted Powergen to repair within the next 20 days. (Damaged underground cable)
  • Reported to RMBC the number of Rattling inspection chamber lids Main Street.
  • Requested again to RMBC to undertake speed watch survey in Wentworth.
  • Received the first Air monitoring survey report from RMBC  which is from March and April 2023. Readings are as follows: ug/m3 are 17 (March) and 16 (April). Therefore, these results are saying that the air quality in Wentworth is currently to good standard.

July 2023

  • Inside of the Bus Shelters have been painted on Main Street
  • New swing seats for Harley Play equipment have been ordered. Once delivered they will be installed.
  • Hedges have cut both by RMBC & Estates in various locations throughout Went worth and the immediate surroundings.
  • Arranged with RMBC for the gullies to be cleaned in various locations in Wentworth and the immediate surroundings.
  • Obtained three quotations for the refurbishment of the pavilion at Wentworth for the loss adjusters.
  • Arranged a meeting on site in Wentworth with Parish Councillors and RMBC in regards to traffic calming through the village.
  • Set up some dates for DIAL to attend the Mechanics Hall.
  • Set up a collection schedule/contract with RMBC  for the waste bins in Harley children’s play ground (one per week).
  • Contacted by a resident about the traffic lights on Main Street adjacent the main car park. Contacted RMBC Permit manager to see if the lights can be moved, moved in the morning. (Removed that day).
  • There is an entrance from the Beer Garden at the Rockingham Arms Public House, which leads directly onto the playing field which is causing the Parish Council some serious issues. The issues are that beer glasses, beer bottles, rubbish (crips bags etc etc) and dog faeces, both in bags and loose on the playing field are being left on the playing fields.
  • Our ground maintenance contractor who cuts the fields has now refused to cut the embankment between the main playing field and the cricket field due to the glass and dog faeces in bags. What is happening is people are having a drink and a meal in the beer garden, then they just go through the entrance onto the field with their dogs before leaving. Also, when there is a function at The Rockingham Arms, people spill out of the barn and pub onto the playing field, again leaving glasses and bottles.
  • The way forward was that we contacted Green King directly at their head offices and also the manager at the public house about the gates entrance from the beer garden at The Rockingham arms. The manager has agreed that it needs to made safe, a gate and additional signs to be in place.

August 2023

  • Held an onsite meeting with RMBC highways department regarding a way forward regarding traffic claiming through the village.
  • Double yellow lines partially down both sides of Clayfield Lane (out for consultation)
  • Meetings with the Insurance companies Loss Adjusters and surveyors regarding the Pavilion at Wentworth.
  • Leaflet drop carried out regarding dog faeces in Wentworth and playing field.
  • New litter bin has been requested from RMBC for the bus stop on Main Street
  • Timber Bus shelters are to be re treated with wood preservative. Harley, Wentworth & Nether Hough.
  • Requested that the Stone SYPTE bus shelters on main street are re-painted, these have been completed.
  • Hedges are to be trimmed back on the bus shelters and Defibrillator at Street.
  • Notice board in Wentworth to be treated with timber preservative.

September 2023

  • Dog Wardens within RMBC have been contacted to find a way forward in regards to dogs on the playing fields. Following on from recent discussions with RMBC we have now arranged for a Dog Warden to frequently visit, and to show a presence at Wentworth Playing field including the main Car Park.
  • The damaged waste bin in the bus shelter on Main Street has now been replaced with a new one.Also, a new waste bin has been replaced with a new one.
  • Contacted John Healey MP in regards to the new bus service (number 7) not arriving as per the timetable (no show of bus with no reasons why from the bus provider).

October 2023 

  • Street Lights reported to RMBC as they are not working on Main Street and Churchfield Lane.
  • Reported to RMBC Street pride 3 times and also Northern Power to investigate and repair..

November 2023

Edgar Bower

  • A lady who lives in Sussex, Mrs Elizibeth Broadbridge, recently read the book ” Black Diamonds” by Catherine Bailey, which is about the Fitzwilliam family of Wentworth House.
  • In the book there is an account of the life of Edgar Bower who was born in Wentworth in 1917. His mother was May Bower, but his father was unknown, though there were many rumours about his parentage.
  • He had a very sad life and died in February 1996 and is buried in Wentworth. Mrs Broadbridge has been unbearably moved by the story of his life and would like to place some flowers on his grave to let him know he is not forgotten.
  • Therefore, Mrs Broadbridge has donated £25.00 to the parish council who are willing to purchase some flowers for her and place them on to grave of Edgar Bower.
  • With Mrs Broadbridge living in Sussex, she would find it difficult to make the journey to Yorkshire.

Timber Bus shelters 

  • The timber bus shelter on Sheffield Road (Hoyland Side) has been repaired and repainted and also that the shrubbery has been removed from around it.
  • The timber bus shelter on Sheffield Road (Harley Side) has been repainted.
  • The timber bus shelter on Barrowfields has been repainted and the shrubbery removed from around it.
  • The timber bus shelter at Nether Hough has been repaired & repainted.

Playground Equipment – Harley 

  • Replacement play equipment has been purchased for the playground at Harley. New swing seats,  timber stepping units and new timber cross members.

Street Lights -Main Street

  • The PC have contacted both RMBC and Northern Power on several occasions regarding the street lights not working on Main Street at Wentworth.
    The street lights were repaired on the 24th November and are all working.

Harley Playing Field Pedestrian Entrance 

  • The car park footpath pedestrian access edging to the footpath at Harley Playing-field has been repaired . A new timber edging has been installed to replace the rotten and damaged one. The existing one was so badly damaged and rotten that a person or persons could have received a serious injury from slip, trip & falls.

Beacon @ Wentworth Main Car Park 

  • The sign on the Beacon at Wentworth Car park has been removed today by the PC, before it gets any worse to read the inscription. (The PC is to obtain an estimate to refurbish the sign, and also the Beacon basket.

December 2023

  • Street light number 3 on Clayfield Lane has been report to RMBC as not working on the 10th December. RMBC have now replaced the bulb 18/12/2023.

January 2024

  • Relocated the VAS sign on Main Street
  • Refurbished the Millennium sign on the beacon ready for spring.
  • Arranged for the beacon to be repainted.
  • Held a traffic steering group meeting regarding updates of traffic issues.

February 2024 

Inspection chamber on Main Street has been reported and has now been rectified. 02/02/2024

February 2024

The Parish Council received a compliant (11/02/2024) today regarding the amount of dog poo on the following roads in Harley.

  • Cricket View Road
  • Occupation Road

The Parish Council have contacted RMBC Dog Wardens who have agreed to add the above roads to their list of areas in which they patrol.

RMBC will keep us updated on our visits and drop into Wentworth on route, also, RMBC are going to use Dog fouling stencils which are now with Street Pride.

The stencils are sprayed onto the pavements and footpaths and will say “PICK UP OR PAY UP”.

Non-compliance with the order is an offence, punishable by a fixed penalty notice of up to £100 or, upon conviction, a fine not exceeding £1,000. An authorised person, such as a police officer or council employee, can issue a fixed penalty notice to offenders.

March 2024

Held the Second Traffic Steering Group meeting

Inspection chamber at Nether Hough has been reported to RMBC to be repaired.

The rest of the benches are now being installed.

The yellow double lines are finally being installed today on Clayfield Lane (22/03/2024)

April 2024

A Tree which has fallen over in Coach Road has been reported to the estates.


Report of a dead dear on Coaley Lane 

Reported to the Estate office


Harley Pavilion

Report of a forced lock to the rear storeroom at the pavilion. Following on from  investigating the issue, it was found to be that the hasp & lock had come away from the door due to the condition of the door and frame being rotten.
Thank you for the person reporting it.


May 2024

Meeting the T&WCC and the estates to discuss cricket storage at Wentworth.


Purchase three D-Day flags.

Raise the Main D-Day flag at Wentworth cenotaph.

Organise for the beacon to be lit for D-Day.

Display D-Day posters throughout the parish.


Obtain quotations for new replacement doors and windows at Harley pavilion.


Add the two new Parish Councillors onto the PCs WhatsApp group and PC email address’s.

Roles and Responsibilities amended, which includes the inspections of the defibrillators and playground inspections. Etc.

May 2024

Issues with the number 7 bus not a arriving on several occasions.

Replay from the bus company following Cllr Hawley contacting them:

I am sorry to hear of the difficulties being experienced by the residents of your parish, and offer apologies for any inconvenience suffered to date.
I am aware that there have been issues on several of our services recently due to vehicle shortages, due to the delays in parts deliveries. We are just about back on top of these issues.
There has also been a supervisory issue regarding the number 7 that operates from Barnsley at 5.50pm. This service has been operated for sometime by a regular couple of drivers that operate from our coaching department.
One of these drivers has been seriously ill, and the other, his partner, has been off work caring for him. Although the coaching supervisor covered their coaching work it appears that there was a miscommunication with the bus Supervisor and that left this service at this time, uncovered.
Following a passenger complaint that I investigated, this mistake was discovered and the service is now back operational at this time.
We, and other operators are all experiencing delays in parts deliveries due to the ongoing shortages, however for a smaller operator like us this causes significant problems as we do not have the number of ‘spare’ vehicles larger operators do.
We have however, bought two new vehicles to increase the number of spare vehicles on the fleet in order to rectify the remaining service issues, and as parts arrive they are being fitted and vehicles are returning to the road.
Again I apologise for any inconveniences that have been caused recently, and assure you that we are working as hard as we can to provide the reliable punctual service that Globe expect and your residents deserve.
Your Sincerely,


June 2024

A meeting has been arranged in RMBC offices to discuss road traffic strategy, including the outstanding requests from last year.

Speedwatch Training with South Yorkshire Police

The Parish Council arranged for SYP to train up five people 2 from the WVCA, 1 from the WRA, 1 member of the public and 2 Parish Councillors.
A date has been set to start to undertake regular speed watch sessions in the village, first being in the 9th July 2024.


July 2024

Removed the old rotten Notice board at Harley and currently obtaining estimates to  replace with a new hardwood one.

Several hedges, trees and weeds have been reported to both to RMBC & the Estates.

The estates have been approached about the Trees in the car park require crown lifting.

One rotten timber bench has been removed from Harley playing field as it was in a dangerous condition.

Harley Pavilion a contractor has been appointed to replace the old timber doors and window frames.

We have approached several contractors in regards to the mole damage on the cricket outfield at Wentworth.

Several traffic meetings have been held with RMBC in regards to traffic issues within the parish. Further info can be found in the section Traffic, Air Monitoring & Tourist Steering Group.

Several Parish Councillors assisted with the Wentworth Village Day

The bus service through Wentworth, Councillors have been in contact with the bus company in regards to the service not being as good as it should be. (we are waiting for a response)

Carried out Speedwatch sessions on Main Street South Yorkshire Police.

The village beacon is going to be repainted and the new refurbished sign installing.

Harley Play equipment at Harley is being inspected every week by a Parish Councillor to ensure that it safe and fit for purpose..

The blocked Gullies have reported on Coaley Lane – RMBC have been and cleaned and unblocked them. (22/07/2024)

August 2024

Flagstones replaced on Main Street – The Old Smithy

Hedges/grass verges cut back various locations

Meeting with Estates architect’s at the pavilion at Wentworth

Ordered new windows for Harley pavilion

Meeting held with the Window contractor.

10am Harley mission rooms – meeting with RMBC Highways regarding new village stone signs.

12 noon-13.00pm Speedwatch

Attended the CAPS meeting

Arranged for walk about with RMBC PCs and elected borough Councillors.

Arranged for joint surgeries to take place with the RMBC elected members.

Reported overgrowing verges and hedgerows to RMBC on Coaley Lane, the inspector has been to inspect and the works are to be programmed in for the work to commence. (Hedges and verge has now has been cut back 09/08/2024)

Meeting on site with RMBC Highways and RMBC elected members at Harley to discuss the proposed new stone Harley Signs and locations.

Following the recent breaking in at the pavilion at Wentworth, arranged to have new locks installed by local contractor.

Following a recent CAPS meeting, it was decided to undertake a walkabout of Wentworth village. Present at the walkabout was the following: three elected RMBC councillors, two from councillors from the parish council, Wentworth Estates Manager, RMBC housing officers, and Streetpride. The walkabout started at Hauge Lane, down Main Street to the Barrow and then down to Barrowfields. Discussions took place regarding traffic, hedges and verges, drainage, yellow lines, damaged flagstones which had been repaired in tarmac causing trip hazards, damaged road signs, additional road signs and the refreshing of the yellow and road markings.

There were so many issues to mention them all here but we will be keeping a keen eye out to see that these matters are addressed in due course, perhaps some before a further meeting is initiated.

September 2024

Following on from the Walkabout with various bodies, the road gullies are to be cleaned out which will help flooding in areas on the village.

Joint surgeries are now taking place both at Harley (Mission Rooms) & Wentworth (The Mechanics Institute Hall) with the RMBC elected members.

Requested the re positioning the  VAS sign from the Barrow to Barrowfields.

New PVC doors and windows have been installed at Harley Pavilion.


October 2024

Requested to RMBC that the SLOW signs on Coaley Lane to be repainted. Completed by RMBC.

The beacon, including the sign on the beacon in Wentworth has now been refurbished and has been completed today.

I must say that it looks brilliant, as you can see from the attached photographs.

The Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to thank Andy Gittins, and also Craig Ainge the sign writer for a fantastic job.

Photographs of the beacon.


November 2024

Held interviews for the position of Parish Clerk.

Relocated the VAS signs.

Placed the order for the new notice board at Harley.

PAT tested the electrical equipment at Harley pavilion.

Garage door painted at Harley pavilion.


December 2024

Coaley Lane reported the amount of water running and freezing, RMBC have now excavated into the verges at several locations to allow water to run into the ditch.

Trees on Coaley Lane cut back by the estates.

Carried out playground inspections at Harley.

Interviewed for a new clerk.

Carried out bench inspections/conditions.


January 2025

Traffic strategy meeting.

Councillors surgery

Gullies on Coaley Lane have now been jetted/cleaned and are running now normally.

A request was received from a parishioner re bags of salt due to ice on footpaths. Three bags were dropped off the same day.

A request from a parishioner for grit salt at Street grit bin, this bin is RMBC’s but a request has been logged to refill the bin.(Web Ref 3941142)

Requested again for the Disabled parking bays in the main car park at Wentworth to be refreshed (Fitztwilliam Estates)

Purchased and installed a new letter box for the WVCA and Parish Councils use which is on the wall of the Mechanics.

February 2025

Report of a large amount of flytipping on Lea Brook Lane as the raid is blocked. Reported to RMBC requested a covert camera sign to be erected in this area. – Removed

Reported to RMBC two large sections of concrete on the footpath on Coaley Lane adjacent to Street Lane. Ref:3986182 – Removed

Carried out repairs on the notice board at Wentworth due to the doorframe coming loose.

Collect the new notice board for Harley, Neil at the forge is to manufacture new metal legs and frame ready for installation.

March 2025

Reported to RMBC a damaged road speed sign on the Barrow @ Wentworth.

Footpath edges have now been completed on the Barrow – backfilled with concrete and tarmac including new pin kerbs.