Traffic, Air Monitoring & Tourist Steering Group

Traffic, Air Monitoring & Tourism Steering Group

The Parish Council are becoming increasing concerned over the volume of traffic and visitors to the area, and the impact it is having on village life.

Residents have told us that it is rapidly becoming an increasing problem for them, effecting their quality of life.

In view of the complaints, we commissioned a survey asking the residents of Wentworth, and the surrounding hamlets, to detail the issues they are facing, highlighting any hotspots, and suggesting recommendations for improvement.

The report was published in July 21 and shared with stakeholders; you can find a copy of the report by clicking Parish Council Traffic & Tourism Steering Group

In order to progress the findings and recommendations we formed a multi-agency steering group with representation from;

  • Wentworth Parish Council
  • Wentworth Garden Centre
  • Wentworth Estate Office
  • Wentworth Woodhouse
  • Wentworth Village Association
  • Wentworth Residents Association
  • The Old Smithy
  • 2 Local Residents
  • Rotherham Council Transportation Section
  • 1 Borough Councillor
  • 1 South Yorkshire Police

The inaugural meeting was on 6 October 2021.

We are meeting again in the New Year with the aim of developing a multi-agency strategy to alleviate and improve traffic and visitor management in the Parish.

Here’s what we have achieved to date.

You said We did Lead Organisation
Speeding traffic is an issue on Main Street



We asked RMBC to undertake a Traffic Speed and Flow Survey. This will be actioned, and results shared with the Parish Council RMBC/PC
Speeding traffic is an issue on Cortworth Lane



We asked RMBC to undertake a Traffic Speed and Flow Survey. This will be actioned, and results shared with the Parish Council RMBC/PC
There needs to be a visual deterrent on Cortworth lane to slow traffic down We asked RMBC to put up a Vehicle Activated Sign. A sign will be in situ by March 2022 RMBC
Access to Church Drive is often hindered by parked cars We met with the Estate Office and signs are in production highlighting the public car park behind the school. Estates Office
Parking on Clayfield Lane is an issue, with people visiting Wentworth Woodhouse We agreed with the Woodhouse that they will include a map detailing all parking facilities on their website to encourage visitors to use their car parks rather than park on Clayfields Lane or in residential areas

As you can see, we’ve made a great start, but this is only the beginning, we know that some of the interventions suggested by residents are aspirational and we have to take a realistic approach, managing expectations. When we have developed the strategy, we will be consulting with residents, so keep an eye on the website to find out more.

Update on Traffic issues
Here’s an update on what we’ve achieved as a result of the Traffic Survey and the residents concerns in relation  to traffic and visitors:
It’s important to remember that every intervention we request has to be evidence led and realistic, that’s why we’ve been working with RMBC to ensure we get it right.
We’ve commissioned 3 Speed Surveys, 2 on Cortworth Lane and 1 on Main Street, which do not evidence speeding vehicles. Traffic calming will only be considered if the evidence points to the need.
The  Estate, some time ago,  approached RMBC about the extension of existing parking restrictions on Clayfield lane at the Wentworth Woodhouse entrance. Residents have also complained  about visitors parking there.  We’ll be working with RMBC to explore this further.
The Traffic Management system that is used when large events are on has made a vast difference.
We’ve had a Vehicle Activated Sign, VAS, put up on Cortworth Lane. Please note the sign is only triggered when a vehicle is speeding.
We’ve asked the Estate to erect no parking/ alternative parking signs on Church Drive, which has been done, requesting that visitors  use the Car Park behind the School.
We’ve requested a reduction in the speed limit on Hauge lane,  we’re awaiting a speed survey.
We’ve asked for unsuitable for HGV signs on the B6090.
We need to manage expectations and be realistic, taking into account the local residents and the impact of any intervention on  local business and the Estate, this is a timely process, but don’t worry, we’ll keep you updated.

If you have any specific issues that you would like the Parish Council to address in terms of traffic and tourism please email or

April 2023

Arranged with RMBC Environmental Dept for air sampling on Main Street Wentworth. (Lamppost number 11 is where the sampling device is installed)

Dealing with the traffic issues in the village which is still ongoing.

May 2023

Meeting with Wentworth Woodhouse and the estates to discuss the new car parking facilities proposed by WW. And the Estates.

Applied to RMBC for Lee Brook Lane resurfacing

Applied to RMBC for Lea Brook Lane traffic calming notices and signs “Slow” road markings traffic restrictions.

June 2023

RMBC have started to monitor air quality at a various location in Wentworth but we haven’t obtained any data yet. We will be receiving the results monthly. The sampling tubes are sent to a laboratory for analysis and we generally receive results about 4 weeks after the end of a sampling period. It is generally a good idea to look at a minimum of 3 months data before making any assessment.

Contacted RMBC & Powergen regarding the street lights not working on Main

Street, Barrowfields & Street Lane following the recent power cuts to the areas and recent repairs by Powergen.

RMBC have contacted Powergen to repair within the next 20 days. (Damaged underground cable)

Reported to RMBC the number of Rattling inspection chamber lids Main Street.

Requested again to RMBC to undertake speed watch survey in Wentworth.

Received the first Air monitoring survey report from RMBC which is from March and April 2023. Readings are as follows: ug/m3 are 17 (March) and 16 (April). Therefore, these results are saying that the air quality in Wentworth is currently to good standard.

Arranged with RMBC for the gullies to be cleaned in various locations in Wentworth and the immediate surroundings.

August 2023

Arranged a meeting on site in Wentworth with Parish Councillors and RMBC in regards to traffic calming through the village.

July 2023

Contacted by a resident about the traffic lights on Main Street adjacent the main car park. Contacted RMBC Permit manager to see if the lights can be moved, moved in the morning. (Removed that day).

Held an onsite meeting with RMBC highways department regarding a way forward regarding traffic claiming through the village.

Double yellow lines partially down both sides of Clayfield Lane (out for consultation)


Air Monitoring – Main Street Wentworth

The Parish Council have organised with RMBC Environmental Department to undertake Air monitoring on Main Street in Wentworth. The Air monitoring will be carried out over a twelve month period, the results of the monitoring will be submitted to the Parish Council each month.

The monitoring started in March 2023.
Here are the monthly mean nitrogen dioxide (ug/m3)  measurements to date:
March 16.9
April 15.6
May 15.0
June 9.6
July 13.5
August 29.9
September 29.5
October 34.2
November 41.8
December 30.8

January 31.6
February 17.2
March 28.2
April – 27.0
May – 29.0
June – 27.8
July – 29.4
August – 27.1
September – 25.6
October – 32.9
November – 33.7
December – 19.3

RMBC will be collating the data from across Rotherham including Wentworth, where it will be sent to DEFRA who will compile a report. The report will be available to the Parish Council in August.

For comparison purposes, the UK annual mean standard for nitrogen dioxide is 40ug/m3.
RMBC are going to continue the air monitoring until the end of 2024
Currently the air quality in Wentworth is good.
February 2024 
March 2024
Yellow lines have now been installed on Clayfields Lane

June 2024

Speeding is one of the factors that most affects the quality of life in communities around Wentworth and the immediate surrounding areas. It can be a factor in road traffic collisions and impacts the day-to-day lives of people in the local community.


Community Speed Watch trained operators.

Cllr Brendan J McNamara

Cllr Stephen Peace

Cllr Paul Martin

Mary Banks (Member of the public)

Sharon Peace (Member of the public)

What is Community Speed Watch?
Community Speed Watch is a scheme that enables members of the public to volunteer alongside South Yorkshire Police to monitor the speed of traffic passing through their area and identify vehicles which exceed the speed limit. Each scheme is run by volunteers and managed and supported by their local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

How does it work?
Volunteers use equipment that can monitor the speed of passing traffic. The volunteers manually collect details at the roadside of speeding vehicles and pass this onto South Yorkshire Police. Vehicle checks are undertaken by the police and entered onto a database. The registered keeper of the vehicle will then be sent an educational letter telling them that their vehicle was seen exceeding the speed limit and the impact their actions have on the local Community. If the same registration number is logged again within 2 years, the registered vehicle keeper will receive a warning that if the vehicle is seen a third time the details will be passed to an officer who may take further action.
Community Speed Watch is not enforcement, it is education.
Community Speed Watch is used throughout the Rotherham Brough in circumstances that are necessary, reasonable and proportionate to:
• Improving the quality of life for local communities by increasing their confidence and satisfaction in the way speeding issues are dealt with
• Reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit
• Increase public awareness of inappropriate speed
• Reduce death and injury on roads
• Empower local people to take action on local issues

How can I Join?

If you can spare a few hours to take part in the roadside Speed Watch sessions, we would love to hear from you.

To obtain further information please contact:

3rd July 2024

Minutes form the Parish Council (PC) Traffic Steering Group Meeting 2nd July 2024

9th July 2024 – This session has had to be cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions.

A traffic Speedwatch session will be carried out with South Yorkshire Police, and  members of the local Speedwatch team, which includes a member of the public, two Parish Councillors, and a  member from the WVCA on Main Street at Wentworth.

19th July 2024 

New Speedwatch session at Cortworth Lane at Wentworth. Speed watch trained Councillors and members of the public present, Cllr Peace, Cllr Martin, Cllr McNamara , members of the public Ms S Peace & Ms M Banks, and two Police officers.

Over the half an hour period 160 vehicles went through the speed watch area, in which only two vehicles speeds were recorded at 39 mph & 40 mph, as this was a 40 mph zone, vehicles must be traveling at 46 mph before a letter is sent out the owner of the vehicle by the police.

Speedwatch Photograph

Rotherham Northern NPT 

The recent session of Speedwatch had to be cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions.

23rd September 2024

Just giving you the heads up that Power Grid will be returning on Sept 23rd, at the Hague Lane & Main Street junction, for 5 days to finish that work they started and after finding an issue or 2 they had to re-apply for certain permissions. It should be all clear over the weekends.